Office Holidays of the Consulate General of Japan in Davao in 2025
We would like to announce the office holidays of the Consulate General of Japan in Davao as per below:
For the latest information about the office holidays, please refer to ‘Information’ on our website or ‘VISA/Consular Services’ page:
Office Holidays of the Consulate General of Japan in Davao in 2025 (as of December 5)
January 1 (WED) New Year’s Day
January 29 (WED) Chinese New Year
March* Araw ng Dabaw (Davao City Day)
March 31 (MON)* Eid’l Fitr (Feast of Ramadan)
April 9 (WED) Araw ng Kagitingan
April 17 (THU) Maundy Thursday
April 18 (FRI) Good Friday
May 1 (THU) Labor Day
May 12 (MON)* National and Local Elections
June* Eid’l Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)
June 12 (THU) Independence Day
August* Kadayawan Festival
August 21 (THU) Ninoy Aquino Day
August 25 (MON) National Heroes Day
October 31 (FRI) All Saints’ Day Eve
December 8 (MON) Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
December 24 (WED) Christmas Eve
December 25 (THU) Christmas Day
December 30 (TUE) Rizal Day
December 31 (WED) Last Day of the Year
* = To be determined
The office closes on weekends.
For the latest information about the office holidays, please refer to ‘Information’ on our website or ‘VISA/Consular Services’ page:
Office Holidays of the Consulate General of Japan in Davao in 2025 (as of December 5)
January 1 (WED) New Year’s Day
January 29 (WED) Chinese New Year
March* Araw ng Dabaw (Davao City Day)
March 31 (MON)* Eid’l Fitr (Feast of Ramadan)
April 9 (WED) Araw ng Kagitingan
April 17 (THU) Maundy Thursday
April 18 (FRI) Good Friday
May 1 (THU) Labor Day
May 12 (MON)* National and Local Elections
June* Eid’l Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)
June 12 (THU) Independence Day
August* Kadayawan Festival
August 21 (THU) Ninoy Aquino Day
August 25 (MON) National Heroes Day
October 31 (FRI) All Saints’ Day Eve
December 8 (MON) Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
December 24 (WED) Christmas Eve
December 25 (THU) Christmas Day
December 30 (TUE) Rizal Day
December 31 (WED) Last Day of the Year
* = To be determined
The office closes on weekends.