Consul General ISHIKAWA attends the Turnover Ceremony of the Project for Procurement of Medical Laboratory Equipment, New Corella

On July 30, Consul General ISHIKAWA attended the turn-over ceremony of the "Project for Procurement of Medical Laboratory Equipment, New Corella" which is part of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP).

Through the project, 12 medical laboratory equipment were procured and installed in the newly constructed health infirmary in New Corella. The new equipment will greatly help the local government improve its provision of medical services to the local community through faster and more accurate diagnoses.

Consul General ISHIKAWA Yoshihisa, Mayor Jorjan Federiso, Vice Mayor Pedro Lagumbay Jr., Municipal Health Officer Dr. Nancy Cacayorin, Provincial Health Office Representative Ian Patrick Vidal graced the ceremony with their presence.